Tuesday, July 30, 2013

DIY: Decor with storage rack and clothes pins

During the de-cluttering, I recycled a lot of stuff to:

a) Save space
b) Put into use stuff that I wasn't sure what I was going to do with any more
b) Literally save on cost

One of the things I recycled was his storage shelf where he kept his toys, which he had outgrown already. I'm not sure what they're really called but a similar one is the modular storage cubes. I took it down and recycled the parts.
*Image from website

Here's a piece that I took down, and got some clothes pin.

Hung one piece on the wall and pegged some of Matt's work to display it.

Dennis and I had so much fun with it. These pictures were originally pegged on a string that hung on one side of his room. Since I'm kinda changing  things around the room, I took it down but still wanted to put the pictures.

Recycled and useful way to decorate the room at no cost :o)

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